The Global Liberty Institute is funded almost exclusively through the generosity of our donors. Your investment will support our distinguished leaders, policy experts, and programs to restore individual and economic liberty, and the free exchange of ideas essential to a free society.
With your generosity, you will increase your personal impact on restoring and preserving the hard-fought freedoms that have been under threat in the United States and democracies throughout the world. Your support will:
- Increase our growing presence in emerging centers of influence throughout the United States, including Florida, Texas, Washington, DC, and New York, to educate the public and policymakers on evidence-based solutions for liberty.
- Expand our Rising Leaders educational programs for the next generation of leaders, so that principles and policies for liberty are durable for generations to come.
- Challenge the policies of powerful international organizations that collude with governments against the best interests of the citizens of free nations.
- Accelerate our development of new alliances with like-minded groups and leaders in business and policy in the US, Switzerland and other centers for freedom, to leverage the GLI perspectives urgently needed by all free societies.
- Drive our strategic media and communications program to effectively disseminate actionable GLI policies to restore liberty and the free exchange of ideas.
Make a tax-deductible donation to the Global Liberty Institute today.
Questions? Email us at Prefer to mail a check? Checks can be made out to “Global Liberty Institute” and sent to:
Global Liberty Institute
1747 Pennsylvania Ave, NW; Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006
Global Liberty Institute
Gotthardstrasse 20
6300 Zug, Switzerland